2015年3月23日 星期一

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Why Mr. Pendleton? 為什麼叫Mr. Pendleton?

Why Mr. Pendleton?


那為什麼要叫Mr. Pendleton呢?

那一天我們在 Oui Cafe享受美味的甜點,他說他今天走得是"書呆子卻很有型的風格",

當時候他戴了上圖那付假眼鏡,再用line camera後製出更書呆的感覺. (下面會請他本人分享最原始的Mr. Pendleton 定裝照)

突然間,他很認真的說: 以後我走這種有型書呆風的時候,就要叫Mr. Pendleton.

Whaaaaaaaaat? 這是在取藝名嗎? 怎麼不叫小百合? 咳咳......這太不manly了,當我沒說.



就由著他唄! 反正聽起來挺有趣的.

漸漸的,我們歸類出屬於我們的Pendleton style (沒有任何時尚意義,我們倆之間單純的想法)




Mr. & Mrs. Pendleton


好吧! 我們來欣賞這位有型的書呆子吧!

Mr. Pendleton must-have item: bowler hat

Mr. Pendleton 必備單品: 圓頂禮帽

Mr. Pendleton must-have items: bowtie & pocket square

Mr. Pendleton 必備單品: 蝴蝶結 & 口袋巾

Mr. Pendleton must-have item: waistcoat

Mr. Pendleton 必備單品: 背心

Mr. Pendleton must-have item: lapel pin

Mr. Pendleton 必備單品: 西裝別針 (那個圓圓的,有點亮亮的小東西)

Mr. Pendleton must-have item:  pocket watch

Mr. Pendleton 必備單品: 懷錶

Mr. Pendleton must-have item: braces

Mr. Pendleton 必備單品: 吊帶

Yup!!! Mrs. Pendleton (Amanda) 我本人是個購物狂+鞋癡+蜈蚣精


過去的他是走"休閒風" 的(我們都知道這就是邋遢風的別名XD)


What a make over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

我的本意不是覺得他的休閒風不好,只是他不好好打扮真的就太對不起他爸媽生給他的這帥氣臉蛋和高挑身材了!你們說是不是?! (趕快用這類的話去蠱惑男友!!!)

話說這篇文章歸類在men's talk, 到現在男人都還沒出現.


My turn now! (Henry...)
So, here's my story.

The reason behind the drastic make-over is not simple, but rather multi-dimensional.

I believe in the following sayings:
"You cannot climb the ladder of success, dressed in the costume of failure."
"Dress for the job you want, not the one you have."

As a man, it is important to not only try and look tough (as I did for such a long time before), but, more importantly, to look MANLY.

This means accepting responsibilities, aiming higher in life and trying to better yourself AND others.

You cannot hope to make other people want to improve their own confidence and inner pride, unless you feel it in yourself, and these days too many 'men' hide behind all kinds of bravado.

It was for this reason I was determined to return to a style of dress and appearance which demanded and cultivated patience, a personal sense of taste, and draws attention, without trying to look like a fool.

My philosophy is that aforementioned men try harder and harder to look like children or playground bullies, NOT balanced, educated, proud GENTLEMEN. 

Thus, I have 'created' the Pendleton style (with no other significance than liking the sound of it) as, hopefully, an inspiration to others - friends and strangers alike - to return to a period of quiet introspection and mutual respect and admiration for each other.

From the humble origin below to some deeper developments of the style seen above, I look forward to this journey and hope you will join my side and walk it with me, my brother.

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