2015年11月20日 星期五

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[Men's Style] Bringing back the waistcoat!


Almost forgotten, the waistcoat is an extremely underrated item of clothing, which NEEDS to make a comeback!

Let me just check the prices...
The waistcoat conveys several advantages to its wearer. I will list the top 5, but there are innumerable.

Make sure it matches your socks...
#1. Beat the heat - If it is too hot to wear a blazer, it can be hard to get that stylish, formal look if you want to step out. A waistcoat bridges the gap by giving you a formal appearance, but at the same time keeping you cool enough.

#2. Mix it up - Wearing a waistcoat gives you another layer of depth to your style arsenal. It gives you the chance to bring in another color, or match something understated that you want to draw attention to.

Style is not just black and white...it's BLUE and white!

#3. Hidden depths - Wearing a waistcoat gives you a chance to wear braces, which are very comfortable, without getting stared at by the less well-informed masses.

Can you tell my secret?

#4. Accessorize it up - A waistcoat is a great place to pin a lapel pin, wear a pocket watch, etc. that you would usually only be able to do with a jacket of sorts. Now you can add jewelry to your outfit without the weight or heat of a heavy blazer.

#5. Vintage values - A waistcoat is just SUCH a funky, retro, vintage item that EVERYONE should wear them. Being able to pull off the waistcoat look makes a man feel instantly more mature and sophisticated. And peaceful within...

There you have it...5 reasons to bring back the waistcoat. What's YOUR excuse for not having one yet? Or 5...

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